I feel like I begin every letter with talking about how many adventures you’ve had or how big you’re getting or simply how much joy you bring. And yet again, as I sit down to write to you today, those same thoughts fill my head. As I took a step back, I realized they are a good summary of your life itself: journeys, growth and love. Here’s a little more about each of those themes…
We had quite the journey as you set out on your seventh round trip flight to Florida to celebrate your Grahamma’s college graduation. I have to admit, the first 12 flights were much easier than these 2. You’re so curious these days, always trying to explore your world around you. Which on an airplane, equates to the seat pocket. The barf bag. The magazines that you like to pick up and throw on the ground. All of which are incredibly clean and germ free. So, instead of taking a bottle and going to sleep like you normally do, you took a bottle, squirmed, sat up, tried to stand up, squealed and pretty much made wore out your mommy and daddy in any way possible.
On the way home, you were a bit more still, primarily due to the 1,865 puffs I fed you. Yes, I resorted to feeding you to keep you calm. It’s amazing what the pressure of 155 other passengers traveling at 550 miles per hour in a sealed aluminum canister with wings over the Gulf of Mexico will do to you.
While in Florida, we took you to the beach for the first time. As Florida babies, your mommy and daddy couldn’t wait to get your toes in the sand. You weren’t at all phased by the sand or the water, even when a little “wave” (or 1 inch of water) came toward you and knocked you down. You were just getting into the experience when a typical Florida afternoon thunderstorm came rolling in, putting an abrupt end to your first beach experience. The storm didn't stop us from grabbing some precious pictures first.
On our other trips to Florida, you didn't pay much attention to your Aunt Shannon's dog Rocket, despite Rocket paying lots of attention to you. This time, however, the roles were quite reversed: any time Rocket came near you, you would squeal and attempt to grab the dog. By the end of our trip, Rocket was staying a good length away from your grasp.
Also during our time at home, we were miraculously able to share a shuttle launch with you. I say miraculously because the fact that it actually was scheduled to launch on a date when we were going to be in Florida and then did launch on a date that we were in Florida pretty much has the same odds of you sleeping past 5:30 a.m.: 1 in a million. Here's a video of your experience:
Perhaps the biggest journey of all to mention is the reason why we were in Florida to celebrate: your Grahamma's graduation from college. While you didn’t understand the significance of the event, I don’t want for you to miss out on the important life lesson her journey represents, namely that you can do anything you put your mind to.
We had your 9 month check up and you’re progressing just as you're meant to. You weighed in at 21 lbs, 5 oz, which put you in the 58% percentile for weight, and 29 and 1/4 inches, which puts you in the 76% percentile for height.
This growth has caused us to have to move you to the next level of car seats. While my arms are thankful to no longer have to lug around your infant seat (although I have to say this works better than any gym routine I ever tried), this new milestone points again to how fast you're growing. You look so little in your new seat, yet I know it's just another blink of the eye before you'll fill this out too.
Your hair is growing longer too, and it's a daily guess as to what color it will be. I joke with your dad that you'll be the only baby with "IDK" as a hair color on your driver's license, but some days it's brown, some days it's blonde and it almost always has some red in the sunlight. You're sporting Hypercolor hair two decades after it was popular on t-shirts.
Just as important as your physical growth is your growth in mental capacity, and each day you are delighting us with the new things you discover. Over the last several weeks, you've taken to clapping your hands; shaking your head"no" (although thankfully you don't yet understand that it means "no"); "feeling" your touch and feel books that previously went unnoticed; beginning to use your baby sign language, specificially for "more" food; and waving "bye-bye", although not yet at the appropriate times.
You are growing into such a big boy and away from being a baby, and while I want to freeze your growth, it's just so much fun to watch this change in you. Your daddy and I love playing with you, watching your delight in our silly faces and noises. You are a boy through and through...you love being held upside down, tickled and general roughhousing.
Thank you for bringing so much happiness to our lives.
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