Graham decided to make his debut into the world two weeks early and was born on Friday, July 30. After going to my weekly doctor's appointment, they discovered in my ultrasound that my amniotic fluid was at low levels and because I was already considered full term, they decided to start the induction that afternoon.
We started with a full Pitocin drip around 3:00 on Thursday and then the doctor decided to let my body try to progress naturally for a few hours. (For which I was thankful, because it meant I got to eat something, even though it was only liquids.) At midnight they restarted the Pitocin drip at at 4:00 a.m. I was only 2 cm dilated. Because they weren't exactly sure of when the amniotic fluid began to leak, there was concern of an increased risk of infection and Taylor and I talked about the option of a c-section in case it came to that. I really wanted to deliver normally and we agreed we'd try to stick to that plan as long as the baby wasn't at risk.
Around 8:30 on Friday morning Taylor took a shower and while doing so said a prayer for God to progress the labor and for a quick but safe delivery. Apparently Taylor's request went straight to God's ears as the doctor came by when Taylor was getting out of the shower to check on my progress. He said I was 10 cm dilated and we'd be ready to begin pushing in the next 20 minutes.
With an amazing labor and delivery nurse and doctor, Graham was born at 10:04 and our worlds changed forever.
The last 72 hours have been truly indescribable. All of our friends and family told us of the immediate bond you feel, but I wasn't prepared for the overwhelming sense of love, awe and joy I feel every time I hold him, see him or smell him. I just want to be in Graham's presence all of the time.
Here's a few pictures of Graham's first few days. More to come after some rest...
He's absolutely beautiful, I mean handsome, Leigh. Congratulations!