Monday, July 26, 2010

Things are starting to look different around here

I'm not the only thing changing on a daily basis around here...our house is also undergoing a transformation! Although at 37 weeks, I'm not sure baby Akin has much more room to grow.

Here's a picture taken this past weekend:

It's been awhile since I've posted stats, so here are the latest from my 36 week appointment:
Weight gained to date: 22 pounds
Baby's size: At 37 weeks, he is now more than 6 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches,
Interesting baby fact: Now that we've reached the 37 week mark he's officially "full term" and his lungs are strong enough to be born now.
Baby's heart rate: 138
Overall health: I continue to be slower in my daily tasks and I haven't been able to sleep a full night through without a trip to the restroom in quite some time. But my feet and hands have experienced minimal swelling, and I can still wear my wedding rings (for now!).
Best part of the two last weeks: Seeing my stomach take on a life of its own as Graham fights for space...Taylor and I will sit mesmerized and watch him move and wiggle. We can't wait to meet him. ;)

After three showers and the many very generous gifts bestowed upon us by friends and family, our once spacious home to two is beginning to be filled up with items for baby. I'll post pictures of the nursery soon, but here's a few other ways our house is changing:

The cradle swing is set up and ready to go in our living room.

The pack and play is set up next to our bed for those first few weeks of very frequent feedings.

The are just two small ways our home now looks like it's ready for a baby...there's also the baby tub in the bathroom, a whole shelf in our pantry dedicated to Graham's items, parenting books strewn across various rooms, and the all important hospital bag packed and ready to go.

It's almost time! :)

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