Over the last week, I've had multiple people tell me that I've grown. Now, I prefer hearing the expression that the "baby" has grown, but it does seem as if my body has saved its pregnancy growth for the last few weeks.
This has presented a bit of a problem as I've tried to adapt to my new silhouette. Spaces I'm used to easily fitting in (or through) are no longer so easy to maneuver. I've found I can't squeeze into little parking spots any longer...not because the Honda can't fit, but because I need plenty of room to embark upon the 10 step process it now takes to get myself out of the car.
This growth has also meant I've been bumping into more walls than usual, and if you know how graceful I am on an everyday basis, you realize that that means a lot of walls. I find myself frequently apologizing to my stomach for yet again bumping into something when I thought I had plenty of clearance.
I've started preemptively apologizing to our son, as I know I'm only going to get bigger and this clumsiness is only going to get worse. Hopefully he'll be born with his daddy's sure footing and not his mom's clumsiness!
This poor little boy is doomed for clumsiness genes!