Not only did last week mark 18 weeks, but it also brought spring with it to Houston (until the cold front that moved through this weekend, that is).
Weight gained to date: ? pounds
Baby's size: About the length of a bell pepper, which is 5 1/2 inches long. This week peanut weighs almost 7 ounces.
Interesting baby fact: Peanut is becoming more mobile; and spends his/her time yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, and swallowing.
Baby's heart rate: ?
Overall health: The hip pain from week 17 was significantly less this week, although I do feel it occasionally. Overall I continue to feel really great, aside from a stomach bug that hit me during the middle of Wednesday night. Thankfully, it was a 24-hour bug and I was back to normal on Friday, although a bit hungry. :)
Best part of week 18: Enjoying daylight savings time and the beautiful spring weather with walks at Memorial Park. Since I haven't been able to run since week 8, walking on the treadmill is even more boring than running on a treadmill. Which makes it pretty darn boring. Thankfully, with it staying light later and with beautiful 70 degree weather, I can walk the 3 miles at Memorial and stay entertained by watching all those around me. Even if I do occasionally want to start running just to show all those around me that I can run too. :)
you may only walk!!!!