Today's letter looks a little different...that's because it's all about blue bonnets. Yes, I am dedicating an entire letter to flowers. And yes, I'm fully aware that you are a boy. Ever since we found out I was pregnant with you, I couldn't wait to take your pictures in the famous fields of Texas wildflowers. I know, most parents would probably look forward to other, more important milestones, say like walking or talking. But me, I've been checking the wildflower websites daily to see when these blue beauties were going to make an appearance.
So, this past weekend we went on a Sunday drive out toward Brenham, Texas in pursuit of blue bonnets. And for the first 30-plus miles outside of Houston, I have to admit I was getting a bit worried that we might be too early for the season. However, I put on a brave facade for your daddy, who was wondering more and more by the mile if I had truly lost my mind. Fortunately for both of us, you were sleeping soundly in the backseat and unaware of the impending doom that existed if we drove this whole way and couldn't find any blue bonnets.
Fortunately for all of us, we came upon it: a glorious field of Texas blue bonnets. We shouldn't have worried about being able to spot them; cars belonging to other anxious picture taking parents were lining the roads.
You woke up as we came to a stop and I couldn't wait to snap your pictures. Except, your normal "I smile around the clock personality" apparently decided to stay in Houston. The baby we got out of the car was serious, studious and not about to flash a smile. Despite how silly mommy looked when trying to make you grin. I'm not exaggerating when I say we took 200 pictures of you. And here are the only smiles (this includes the coercive tickling smile too):
You grab for anything in your reach these days, and blue bonnets were no exception. You love to study things and examine everything around you, which made trying to get you to actually look up at us for a picture extremely difficult.
You were even patient when we tried your new hat on you:
And when mom and dad joined in on the fun:
But that's okay, despite not wanting to cooperate with us for your inaugural blue bonnet photo shoot, we had a great time during this process. And I'm already counting down the days until we can do it again next year. (Or, until I can convince your daddy to go again in a few weekends.)